Company Bio

Gold Coin Laundry Equipment, Inc. was founded in 1987 by Fred Pratt, an industry veteran since 1948. Mr. Pratt was disillusioned with the direction his then-current employer was taking their company. Evidently, so was The Dexter Company (now Dexter Laundry) whose machines were being marketed by that same distributor. An agreement was then put into place and Mr. Pratt started Gold Coin as New York City’s sole Dexter distributor.

A warehouse/office was then rented in Richmond Hill, NY and two employees were recruited from Pratt’s former employer. Barbara Hoffman would handle clerical, reception and sales duties while her son David Hoffman would run the parts department. Gold Coin was born.

Fast forward to today and Gold Coin has become a respected name in the New York/New Jersey laundry equipment market. Currently operating out of a 13,000 square-foot facility in Jamaica, NY, Gold Coin is convenient to many subway, bus and railroad lines, and is just 4 blocks off the Van Wyck Expressway (Interstate 678).

Founder Fred Pratt brought his own special type of salesmanship to Gold Coin. Never a high-pressure salesman, Mr. Pratt’s personality and honesty won him a large following of regular customers. That integrity was passed on to Gold Coin’s current crew, a seventeen-employee roster that ranks among the industry’s best.

The reins of the company are now being handled by Douglas Pratt, Fred’s son, who assumed command in 1993 after his father’s passing. Reporting directly to Mr. Pratt are David Hoffman, who now manages the equipment sales department and personally handles equipment sales in the five boroughs of NYC, Brandon Hoffman, who handles equipment sales on Long Island and Northern New Jersey, Ken Mackay, who heads the worldwide Parts Department, Eddie Gonzalez who manages the field support department, Director of Advertising Chris Mackay, and Joyce Butera, the company’s bookkeeper. Also reporting to Douglas is Michelle Pratt who oversees just about everything, as well ensuring all equipment orders are complete when shipped.

Mateo Garcia and Dylan Hoffman get web orders out fast while Sebastian Garcia, Ana Atristain and Jessica Castaneda help out parts customers with questions and solutions. Technicians Antonio Guzman, Noel Dominguez and Polanco handle service and start-ups. Ed and Antonio also head the teams on one-day debit card system installations. Rounding out the Gold Coin staff are social media coordinator Victoria Scaduto and Miguel Duchitanga who handles warehouse duties and equipment preparation. Co-founder and long-time vice-president Barbara Hoffman retired in 2014 and passed away at the end of 2021.

Gold Coin has earned numerous awards over its 35-plus years. Always a top-ten Dexter distributor, Gold Coin has indisputably and consistently been Dexter’s top distributor in the New York Metropolitan area. Dexter’s prestigious “Golden Wrench” award was bestowed on Gold Coin for outstanding after-the-sale support. Gold Coin was also named Dexter’s 2009, 2019 & 2023 Distributor of the Year.